Thursday, January 17, 2013

normalcy, lockdown and vassholes?

The strangest thing ever happened last night.... we all were home at 5 and had nothing to do that evening.  Gasp!  Imagine it!  An evening free of scheduled activities! 

Because of the snow we had during the day, everything was cancelled.  So we went from having a playoff basketball game, jiu-jitsu class and son's basketball practice to having, well, nothing.  It was a little strange. 

I was home at 4:30, made dinner, ate dinner, did dishes twice--before-dinner dishes and after-dinner dishes, homework got done and it was all before 6:00!  So we made chocolate chip cookies and muddy buddies.  I even managed to get some laundry done.  Younger kids were in bed by 7:45 and older kid in bed by 8:30.  Craziness.

I can't imagine life like that every night, but I have to say, it was really nice to have nothing to do. 

Today the kids are having a lockdown drill at school.  Yes, like practice for if a person with a gun comes in their school to shoot them.  It's a sad day in America when we need to have this kind of drill.  I'm happy that they are practicing it and will be prepared for such an event in case it ever happens, but at the same time really sad that my kids have to know about it and practice for it.  The doors will all be locked, shades pulled, and the kids will hide in cubbies.  If they are in the bathroom when it happens, a teacher will lock them in, and they must stay in the locked stall scooching on the toliet so no one can see their feet under the stall.  Once everything is cleared by police or authorities, everyone will be unlocked. 

Funniest thing I've read on the internet in a long time.

Read here.

Have you ever had a activity-free evening?  Did you know what do to with yourself?

Do you have a vasshole? 
must read above link to understand.

I do not.  Thank you 3 c-sections.


Running With The Girls said...

Ha ha ha! And I don't have one either....2 c-sections here.

Caratunk Girl said...

Hahathats is hilarious! I don't have one, but I don't have kids either. Nice to have some time with nothing going on!