Thursday, April 4, 2013

How I Even Out My Cheapness

As I'm getting older, I find that I am really cheap about some things.  Like so cheap, it's kinda silly yet I can't stop myself.  But in other ways, money seems to be no object.  Which doesn't really make sense because any money I saved by being cheap in one aspect, is used right up with other things.  So I'm even.  Like Seinfeld.

So here are some ways I manage to even out my cheapness.

I cannot stand to purchase paper towels because they are such a waste of paper.  We have them, but whenever possible, I use a dish towel to dry my hands and whatnot.  Savings:  $1.29 x 30

Savings negated by:
Replacing/upgrading my cell phone at every opportunity presented to me at a cost of $250 per phone.  Cost: $250 x 2

Bring lunch every single day, eating the leftovers in my fridge.  Savings: $10 x 5

Savings negated by:
Eating out on weekends with the family because I am too lazy to cook.  Cost $100 x 2

Shut out lights constantly, screaming at children to shut them out when they leave the room.  Savings: unknown $10-20?

Savings negated by:
Driving all over the state (and out of state) for field hockey tournaments and basketball games sometimes incurring a hotel charge for longer distances.  Cost at least $50 for gas and $100 for hotel room at least 10 weekends.   Let's not even bother to include food, tolls, and wear and tear on my car.

Clipping coupons and trying to maximize savings by purchasing the products when on sale.  Savings: $20-30 when doing really well.

Savings negated by:
Drinking Mt. Dew to cause cavities disgustingly expensive to repair.  $300 x 3

Saving bottles and cans to return to the redemption center.  Even picking them up on the side of the road when out walking. $22 every 6 weeks

Savings negated by:
The number of ridiculous apps my kids ask me to purchase non-stop, not to mention the ongoing Club Penguin member fee I keep forgetting to cancel because no one uses it anymore.  Gah.  $5.95 x 12 and various .99 and $1.99 apps.

Well, maybe not exactly cheapo, but smarter, frugal way to do health care--high deductible health insurance with tax deferred health savings account.  If no medical expenses savings equal around $5600

Savings negated by:
Bringing Princess daughter to the ER for a hurt knee, knowing full well it wasn't broken but didn't want to listen to her complain about it being broken all night and how I never believe her when she's hurt and I don't care about her knee and blah blah blah so brought her anyway to have the x-ray proof that it indeed was just fine.  $600

I think this might equal an Extreme Cheapskate FAIL. 


Becka said...

Funny. My sister and I were just talking about stuff like this. Like she freaks out about spending $3 on Burt's Bees chapstick but doesn't blink an eye at spending $50 on a running skirt.


..:danielle:.. said...

hahahahaha this is awesome. and i HATE when ty uses like 12 paper towels to clean something up. those babies are expensive! i had to shell out $100 bucks today to get a replacement phone since i couldnt wait until june for the upgrade... cant have a phone that doesnt work when the baby is coming!

Unknown said...

great post!! im with ya :) soooo cheap on some things (like $22 for Tide? really?....) but "Oh, $2000 race wheels? SURE!!!"

Unknown said...

ps--your CAPTCHA made me re-enter like 55 least make it legible (computer, not you personally) WTH...I can read blurry random crap. Im old and my eyes don't work.

maybe i should see an eye doc. know any?