The Duggar family, (this is the family that keeps on having kids--they are up to 19) has released the news that they are expecting child number 20. Seriously, Duggars? Child 20? I'm not sure what amount of children is too many children but I'm pretty sure 20 is way beyond that number.
Is this normal in any way? Does any culture of humans anywhere routinely have families of 15 or more children? I mean, 10 maybe. I don't care how many investments they have, how much goodwill stuff you buy or how debt free they are--it costs A LOT of freakin' money to keep that household going. I mean lets just discuss the house alone. My electricity bill is anywhere from $150-170/month for my 3600 sq. ft. house with 5 people. If we just multiply that by 4 that is $600/month just for electricity! And we don't have central air!! I hope they are on a well for water--I can't imagine how much water they go through in a month or how much that would cost. How about food? My family spends anywhere from $150-200/week on food. I do purchase fresh fruits and vegetables so that may inflate the price a little, but that's what my growing family needs. I have never seen them serve fresh vegetables or fruit on their show, but let's assume that they have some. Again, based on my family's food bill, they should be around $800/week for food. Let's not forget that they have at least 2 that are using diapers still. Unless they use cloth diapers, that is another $50/week. So, between food, diapers and electricity, they are up to $48k in expenses per year. Good thing they have TLC to pay them 10K/episode or whatever it is that they make.
This family both fascinates me and drives me crazy. I thought they might be done after the scare with the last baby, but apparently not. Why not have children and grandchildren of the same age? That way they have someone to play with, right? I would probably be less irritated with the whole family if the girls aspired to (or were encouraged to) something other than be a mom and raise babies. Not that isn't a noble thing to do, but it would seem like out of the 9 or whatever girls that they have, at least ONE of them would wish to do something else. Wouldn't you think? Can you say, Brainwash? I can.
WTF Duggars. Enough already.
Is 20 children too many?
Wacked out family or just a bunch of folks serving God?
I think you may already know my opinion.....
"Help control the Duggar population, have your Duggar spayed or neutered! Good bye everybody!"
Stolen from our local radio DJ
I can't help but wonder if they'd have the same number of kids if they weren't living in the public eye.
Yup, W.T.F.
WTF is right! I mean really all the girls want to do in life is have kids? I don't think so!
I think it is selfish and wrong. This world is already so overpopulated. There are so many kids that could be adopted instead. Ugh and no thanks!
Yup. WTF for sure. You have to figure she has been pregnant for like 15 years (right? 9 mos * 20 kids = 180/12 =15)
Holy hell.
You got that right! WTF.
While doing what seemed like endless loads of laundry today, I thought to myself "WTF, what if we had kids?" Seriously, 20??????
WTF for sure...also doesnt seem fair to the kids! But, its like a trainwreck...cant take your eyes off it!
I can't believe it either. Besides the cost, how can you give enough attention to that many children. I have 2 and I feel like there is never enough of me to go around.
This is so far outside my experience that I don't even know what to say. It just doesn't compute.
New had me at WTF!
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